Clarissa's bookshelf: read

Living Dead Girl
I Am Number Four
Witch & Wizard
Sunstroke and Other Stories
Her Fearful Symmetry
Good in Bed
Thirteen Reasons Why
The Black Flame
The Gazebo: A Novel
The Bride Collector
The Exile of Sara Stevenson
Almost Innocent
To Kill a Mockingbird
Sense and Sensibility
The Notebook

Clarissa's favorite books »

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Pictures of places from my story

Pictured below are the Frankfort Harbor piers, Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes, and the light house at Point Betsie. All places I have actually been and miss dearly.


Frankfort Pier

Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes

View of Lake Michigan from top of the dunes

Point Betsie

*These photos are not mine, I found them through google.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Thank you Brittany!!!

the amazing and wonderful anythingzombie created this lovely little piece of artwork for my story.


Completely gorgeous no?? I LOVE it!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

End of Day 4 Word Tally: 14,723

Oh so tired. Not as much as I wanted, and I’m disappointed about it. But will rectify it in the morning. Its 3:30am and I need to just go to sleep. I keep nodding off.

My hubs returns as well, should be interesting to see how much writing I get done.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

End of Day 3 Word Tally: 10,024

And I’ve officially completed the first chapter. I am thinking that its a good possibility that I will need more than 50,000 words for this story. If I keep up my pace though hopefully I will finish it on time.

Chapter two is started, I’ll work on it tomorrow. Now its time for sleep.

If I had stuck to my 4,000 daily go today’s cut off would have been 12,000 maybe I can make it up tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

End of Day 2 Word Tally: 6258

Not the 8000 I wanted, however I’ll take it since its still more than the minimum. I played around to much today.

I’ll get it though. I’m off to bed, its just after 3 am.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Day 2 - An Excerpt

A lot of people are able to manage their agoraphobia in such a way that they can function quite well amongst society. The lady sitting beside you may have it but you would never know. It all varies dependent on the person and the degree of their disorder. Years of therapy and the testing of different medications proved fruitless for me. I was no closer to a normal life at 15 than I was when I was eight when it all started so I told Nama I had had enough. I decided I wanted to give up all the therapy and medication testing.

No editing has been done to the above writing.

End of Day 1 Word Tally: 3107

Most of which was written in the late evening early morning hours of day 2 but we won't worry about that.

My goal for today was to get in 4,000 words, it almost happened but I'm too damned tired to worry about that other 893, so I am off to bed. More writing tomorrow, or rather later today.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

It's Begun

Today is the first day of hell.

My kids have decided today that no matter what they will NOT let me write. How nice huh... I should have figured that they would do this. I mean after all I should NEVER commit to anything. Because every single time I do something happens. They either get sick of decide its okay to totally destroy my living room.

Mostly today its been fighting and beating each other up. Oh joy.

I have just over 200 words written on my story. I should have been able to fly through most of the first chapter. I've built the characters its just a matter of getting everything into words. Which since I'm not having to think about anything else really it should be easy. Should being the operative word.

Hopefully tonight after I get them into bed I will be able to hammer out the first 5,000 words. We shall see.