Clarissa's bookshelf: read

Living Dead Girl
I Am Number Four
Witch & Wizard
Sunstroke and Other Stories
Her Fearful Symmetry
Good in Bed
Thirteen Reasons Why
The Black Flame
The Gazebo: A Novel
The Bride Collector
The Exile of Sara Stevenson
Almost Innocent
To Kill a Mockingbird
Sense and Sensibility
The Notebook

Clarissa's favorite books »

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hmm... an extra hour?

So Sunday morning at 2am the clocks will turn back an hour.

Does this mean I will receive an extra hour to work on my NaNoWriMo entry??? Seriously?

Will I use this wisely? I will certainly try! For all those who won't get it.

Unfortunately, I do have children, and a hubs who will demand time the week he his home from the 5th to the 11th, and again around Thanksgiving. Oh crap, and don't let me forget New Moon on the 20th!

Okay seriously, who thought November would be a good month???

Friday, October 30, 2009

Ha... I have a title

It only totally kept me from working on anything else for hours!!!

Cover art for the time being, I may do something different but this is just a simple one.

SINKcoverartsm2  Since it will be totally in Tabitha's point of view I figured I would have a title that would fit her. Tell a bit about where the story would go. I want to thank LovelyZombie for that idea. So thanks dear!

It's not great but it will fit. I wasn't sure about the by line so just went with my username, if I do anything with the finished (if I finish) story then I will of course use my name, or a different penname. Not sure yet.

I'm really looking forward to Sunday. Although, I'm seriously terrified in one of those seriously excited ways! Kind of like how I feel before a roller coaster or a haunted house. God I'm a nerd.

I seriously hope I have enough thought up for the story to fill 50,000 words.

Sorry about all the errors in word use in the previous blog post... I have fixed them. I shouldn't rush to post without proofreading.... Oh god this next month will kill me... we aren't supposed to edit.

Never mind, I will not think of that mess. Or I'll try anyways lol. See ya Sunday! Or not ;)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ah the dread

I have to come up with a title!!! Gah!!! I hate having to come up with titles. Trust me. I LOATHE IT!

Anyways... this is where you come in. Here is what I have as far as a synopsis (of sorts?) :

Tabitha Corigan suffers from a debilitating case of agoraphobia, which keeps her from leaving her apartment. Resigned to what fate or God has handed her, she has accepted and embraced her life of near solitude. That is until an unfortunate event thrusts a new neighbor into her life, and possibly her heart. 

Title ideas so far:

  • Find Faith Within
  • Embrace a New Tomorrow
  • Not Set in Stone
  • Never Settle for Solitude

See I am no good at this... Ideas suggestions would be wonderful. It is a love story, I guess the only way to put it is as a Romance but whatever.  I know I don't need to title it now but eventually I will, and I'd love to work on some cover art for it. I know I'm a dork. But whatever, you wouldn't be reading my blog if you didn't expect some sort of idiotic verbal dorkiness. ;)

Sunday, October 11, 2009


I've already abandoned my first idea I think. I dunno. I have been running around a few different ideas and all of them are going to drive me insane.

I can't believe I'm actually willing October away so that I can get started on this project. I have a feeling now that I will waffle back and forth between ideas until its time to actually start writing.

The hubs thinks its absolutely hilarious that I can't just decide on an idea. Of course he always gets a kick out of my mental conundrums.

Ideas so far:

~Murder mystery
~Love Story
~Ghost Story
~Weird crazy crack fiction about wall people (Seriously don't ask! It was one of those weird dreams that you wake up from and wonder what you were smoking.)

The list goes on but I'll spare you.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My Genre

While at dinner tonight I decided what I wanted to write. It’s an idea I’ve toyed with before but now I’ll get to actually get it all out. I hope anyways.

The Genre I’m going to be in I think is Suspense. Or theme whatever. With a bit of romance because well… I like me a little bit of romance.

Now that I have my idea decided upon. All I need to do is a little bit of research. I can’t wait to start writing.

Joined Today

I have for years known about this little challenge. I could always come up with some form of an excuse for why I shouldn't do it. But this year I am.

I write fan fiction, which means I really just steal characters from a well known book and screw with and manipulate them into what I want them to be. Sad really.

My first fan fiction is over 200,000 words. It's not very original and was my first ever attempt to actually share my writing with people outside of myself. I started it on January 27th and finished it April 7th.

I figure if I can write over 200,000 words in the span of just under four months, then I should have no problem getting 50,000 done in 30 days. The main challenge for me is going to be what I decide to write about.

A novel in a month sounds daunting and scary. But I am determined to try this and see what happens. Join me if you will... should be an interesting ride.

Now I just need to decide what to write about...